Operation Zarb-e-Azab (Part 1)

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Apart from political dilemma that is happening in Islamabad and Lahore, there's something else going on for the sovereignty of Pakistan in North-Wazirstan,but pity there is no sight of any serious or important talks about it.There are news about this operation on social media and news papers but none has gone too deep to explore the main purpose behind it & constantly ignoring it day by day.Operation Zarb-e-Azab wasn't executed well after proper advertisement.You only have heard and read about the Jet Fighters bombing and deaths of several terrorists. If we accept what government agencies are telling then we should believe that millions of terrorists have been killed along with their homes. Using Fighter Jets in such kind of operations is an unique addition. During Swat operation only helicopters were used for bombing along with the footed soldiers.

One more important aspect of this operation is migration of thousands of peoples from North-Wazirstan to different parts of country, this is to be known as 2nd largest migration after Swat operation.Peoples had suffered alot already but now it has become life & death  for them. Seeing their condition on how they are surviving will surely seize someone's heart. Government isn't doing much for them, there isn't any proper arrangements of shelters, food etc etc.Taking pictures with few kilos of flour will surely speed up their popularity but reality is that the food they provide isn't able to feed for at least one week.

Seeing the condition of IDP's after this operation it was concluded that Summer wasn't the right time to start this operation. As we all know that during summer , the temperature rises like hell in North Wazirstan & its surrounding along with most of the Pakistan. It was in best interest of Pakistan that the operation should be started in September Octorber & than after take terrorists during the winter & high snowfall in November-December, But God knows what came to the mind of military & government that they started this operation summer, while officers & officials are resting & travelling in well cooling environment & innocent peoples of North Wazirstan are  wondering here and there to find shelters & food to feed themselves .


About the author


I am doing BS (Hons) in Software Engineering ..

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