Our Dream

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We all have dreams in life and we have tons of it. But don't get me wrong. I am not talking about a dream which we can get while we are asleep but the dream that may become reality. 

I have rummaging the internet for something interesting. I had no idea where and what to start but then suddenly, an image pops up in my thought, a house. So, I give myself a quick tour on Google search and give a shot on the images of houses and what intrigued me most is this house below.

I gave it a share to my girlfriend and she liked it too. This house is somewhat typical for our province hence it is surrounded with green. However, there is an issue about the paint, it is white. I ask her if we can change it to mint green to compliment the surrounding and as well to camouflage and she agreed. 

Is it not nice when both of you agreed on something that easy? No argument but complete trust and confidence. 

We wish to build this house someday by God's grace and time. 

Thanks for reading guys! Have a wonderful day to you all.


note: i do not own the photo. i got it from Google. 


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