PC does not have the password

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Worry about the security of your computer, Intel and McAfee has taken the initiative to eradicate. This year, as an alternative to the conventional password system is a biometric authentication system that Intel is available for download.

Common methods include the biometric fingerprint authentication, Irish scans, such as voice recognition technology. Technical website PC World said in a report.

Senior vice president of Intel's PC Client Group chip installment skagena Kirk said, biometric technology, PC protection software is McAfee. This software is available for download by the end of the year will be.

011 anti-virus makers had bought for myakaphike installment Intel chips.

Intel skagena the biometric or use this software to make use of the Windows log-in passwords need not be repeated after the oyebasaite.

Intel officials pasaoyarderai their biometric system and do not need a password. This method is not only safer, but it will save time and reduce the pain of remembering passwords

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