Proof That Maturity and Kindness Are SO HOT

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Proof That Maturity and Kindness Are SO HOT
  Here's a little bit of unexpected sweetness to touch your heart and get your ovaries going (or growing -- don't feel excluded, fellas) today: Rick Fox, former paramour of Khloe Kardashian and retired pro basketball player, has opened up his mouth to say such lovely words about his former boo and longtime friend. Or, well, the words themselves weren't exceedingly lovely, it's more the sentiment behind them. Here, just check it out:

   "I sent a text offering any help I can give. Anything needed, I am here for Lamar, definitely. I hope he is making progress."

   How sweet is that? He and Khloe dated so briefly, and it's never seemed like they were exactly besties or anything, so for him to reach out like that just goes to show you the kind of person he is. And if you needed any further proof, he went on to describe his friendship with Khloe today, explaining that "It's hard to be celebrities in L.A. and have any kind of supporting friendship and not have it [be] more than that. We are just friends doing this town. How do you do this town? It's hard to do this town!" And if you don't think that's adorable, then perhaps you need to consider why such pessimism has invaded your soul.

   We are not only Team Khlomar, but it's looking like we're also Team Khloe's Exes. And how lucky are we that everyone is playing so nicely together?