Ramblings of a disillusioned American

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With the end of the US mid-term elections, it seems that those that campaigned for and achieved office have gone back to business as usual. US borders are open, there is still a flood of illegals, and we are still in a war that we should not be in. Should one expect there to be change over night? Of course not, that's foolish.

One should however, expect the elected officials to keep to their word. This is called Honor. Something far too many American Politicians seem to lack. Don't get me wrong, we have some great men and women in our Congress, but the bad far outweigh the good. When did the Oath of Office go from being an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign, and domestic. To an oath to defend Greed, and wealth against all people living in the US that are not already stinking filthy rich? Congress votes themselves pay raises every quarter, while the economy spirals out of control.

Congress makes it nearly impossible for small businesses to start, and does nothing to encourage established businesses to stay and keep Americans working. When I was in school we learned that during the colonial days of America, Americans weren't allowed to manufacture any of their own goods. That raw material needed to be shipped back to England where it was then turned in to whatever, and shipped back to the colonies. After the Revolutionary War, Americans put a tariff on foreign made goods. The tariff, or import tax if you prefer, was deliberately higher than the tax that was placed on American made products. People took pride in their work, and strove to produce the best products they could.

In contrast, today we have no tariffs on foreign goods coming in to the US. We also have very little product being made here. Work is drying up, and those who are trying to build a business are being forced in to jumping through hoops that are designed to frustrate the potential business owner into just giving up. Look, it's simple. A nation can not stay solvent if it is buying more than it's selling. I don't agree with this Free Market Trade crap that's going on. It's for damn sure that what little American product is being produced and sold in other countries is being taxed heavily. Why? To encourage the people of those countries that the American goods are being exported to buy locally made product, that's why.

Likewise, it's for damn sure that an American can not sneak across the border into Mexico, or Canada, and expect either country to bend over backwards to accommodate them. In fact an American can expect to be detained and deported post haste. So why the bloody hell are we giving amnesty to people who have no regard for the laws of the US?

I would like to say that Obama's an idiot, but he isn't. The people who voted him in to office not knowing a damn thing about him just to prove they weren't racist are the idiots. In 2008 I had someone tell me I had to vote for Obama, because if I didn't I was a racist. My answer then was, "I don't know enough about the man to know if he would be a good president or not. How can I vote for someone I know nothing about, and can find no information about?" in 2012, I was told again that I had to vote for Obama or I was racist. My response was, "I can not in all good conscious vote for someone who is not good for my country. I  didn't know anything about him in '08, but he showed me what he was in these past 4 yrs. I can't vote for him, and I don't care if you don't like it."

Here we are 6 years into an administration that seems hell bent on destroying the nation I grew up in. People think because I am quiet that I am stupid. I assure you I am not. People think because I am kind that I am weak. I assure you, I am not. People think that because I look white that I am white, and must be a racist because I did not vote for a black man to be president just because he was black. And I have this to say on that matter. Voting for someone just because of the color of their skin, and not because they are well suited for the job they are running for is the most racist thing anyone could ever do.

It all ties in, because we've just had our mid-term elections and I can't help but think back to '08 when the Democratic party was saying that the Republicans would pull something that would allow Bush to declare full national martial law, and there by halt the elections rather than see a black man or a woman become president. The Republican party did nothing of the sort, but I can't help but look back over history and see where every time the Democrats have said, "Don't do this or the GOP will respond with this" they, the Democrats, were the ones to do exactly what they had accused the Republicans of plotting to do. So now we've had the mid-terms, and I have to wonder, have to ask myself, "How long before Obama does something so stupid. So foolish. So detrimental to the well being of this country that he must declare full national martial law?" this would effectively shut down the democratic process until such time as Obama decided that it was safe to hold elections again.

American's want peace. American Politicians are bullies in of the first order.

About the author


nothing much to tell. i'm a wife, mother, writer.. nothing exciting.

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