Sand Castles

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Building sand castles is a pleasure for both children and adults, they make time spent every summer on the beach to go in a nice way. There are people who build these castsele not only to play but to make some real works of art; for it not only need Shovels, buckets and several forms but a whole arsenal of materials.
First ... cume and normally require water and sand that only talk about castles made of sand, then they need some special formwork, wood for making shapes and even bulldozers and electric compressors. Building a large sand castle is often a laborious work, but success is as satisfaction.

In Europe, unua construction of the first of its kind was a record built over 15 meters high, built on a beach in the Netherlands. Upon completion featuring musicians from around the world. The organizers made available to each team dozens of tons of sand, but not that of sand on the beach but more especially bad that withstand high building.
One of the secrets of sand castles is the amount of water, those dealing with such constructions know that a castle, or any other model of sand (because not only build castles but also animals, flowers etc.) will last longer as if the sand has enough water, not too much nor too little.

The sand is first placed in wooden casings which I spoke earlier, then watered and compacted with special equipment. Any construction of this kind always starts from the top down, then continue shaping the pieces, according to a strict schedule. During construction craftsmen use all kinds of tools: scissors, pliers, blowing tubes etc; important is that in the end be one beautiful building which to enjoy both who lucart her and the audience.
One of the most beautiful and impressive buildings of this kind was created in 2001 by Artis from different countries. Their sculpture was 20 meters high, 60 meters wide and 100 long and transposition into sand forms a fairytale.


About the author


I'm are automotive engineer. I'm from Romania.

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