Screenings, a Surprise, & DVD Shipping!

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Things have been busy. Here’s the rundown.

We’ve screened the film at several festivals, conferences, and special events. It’s gotten an overwhelmingly positive response every time.

Most recently, we showed Life on Bitcoin here in our own home town of Provo, Utah. I (Austin) hold asmall film festival every year, and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show the movie to the community that had been so supportive of our experiment. It’s not only exciting because it’s where we live, but it’s also where half the movie took place and was filmed.

We were thrilled to see such a positive response, and to hold a short Q&A afterward.

Image compliments of Jarvie Digital

Image compliments of the Daily Herald

That festival kept me occupied till Saturday Sept. 5. Beccy also hosts an event at the same time, so we were both slammed with things to do. Sunday we rested. Monday we packed up our house. Tuesday we moved into a new apartment. Wednesday we unpacked. And Thursday morning around 4:00 AM, we got the call that our son was about to be born.

We haven’t talked about it here much, but Beccy and I have been the in the process of adopting for about a year. It’s a long, challenging, sometimes uncomfortable process, but we really can’t tell you how happy we are to welcome such a perfect little baby boy into our home, our lives, and our family.

We built a crib Wednesday night, and out little boy was born just a few hours later, right on his due date.


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