Short Experimental 'X,O'

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Here is about my short experimental film 'X + O'

For this experimental I wanted to relate it to my non-fiction (WEB), I wanted to show how games have come a long way and how they are effecting society. I began brain storming on how I could show this in a different but creative way as I didn't want to do the norm. This is when these bright images you see were created, I created stencils of a game console controller buttons and then put an LED light behind them. I then filmed them in several ways to make them cut and to get creative.

When it came to editing I wanted to edit to techno music to represent how technology has come on and what it has created, but also make people think “This is a bit trippy and in my face” I wanted this because that is what games are like. There in your face, its everywhere and its like an addiction, like drugs, which is something you could represent the fast pace, trippyness too as well. In the end however I decided to put it silent as it creates its own type of music to each viewer. Please Take a look and tell me your thoughts and what you got from it bellow.

Liam Dickins - Producer, Sound Mixer.

About the author


I am 19 years old and currently at staffordshire University where I study Media(Film)Production. I studied Film at college for two years where i gained many experiences. I enjoy many roles in the film industry, But I hope to have a career as a Producer, Gaffer, Sound or Camera. While…

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