Should political parties and the state be separated in South Africa?

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It would be amazing and well worth it if South African states chose to separate state and political party, so the states are no longer dependent on these parties.

I am fully aware I have not visited South Africa yet, but can imagine that it´s political party system is still in a union with the State. In that kind of a situation we have endless discrimination. One of the many reasons for why pensions are not raised to the point people can use them to fend off of themselves - in other words live off them, is that too many countries are allowing political parties to be in union with the State. This creates an unbalanced and an unfair relationship between party and state which prevents progress and blames people for situations that are beyond their control, punishes the innocent and rewards the guilty.

I am hopeful that perhaps there are already areas in South Africa where there are elections that have established laws to ensure that political parties should not be allowed to interfere with the affairs of the State, such as for example pension issues. I´m not preaching socialism, far right, far left or center philosophy, because I´m trying to be a realist, and because in 2018 people do not think like that anymore. Those who support union between state and political party have long asserted that nothing happens in society unless a political party acts upon it, and especially if it is a ruling political party. Well look at America. A duopoly was tried and nothing changed, precisely because that duopoly was and still is in power.

Iceland and others who are calling for a separation of political party and state are doing that so that a society can result that will not depend on union. I can´t see why South Africa should not try the same. If many enough South African nations chose to separate state and political party the result could become a more fair, just, richer and more balanced society where more people are rich and where we will see more educated people. I apologize if my post features any errors of fact, or has any inappropriate or awkward content.

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