Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I Love You”

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How to tell if a guy means it when he says he loves you

Unfortunately, there is no clear and easy way to know if a guy truly means it or is just saying that he loves you to flatter you or get into your panties.

But there are a few clear cues and signs he’d give away that can help you see through his words and find out if he truly loves you.

Firstly, the easiest way to know he means it when he says he loves you is by keeping his sexual innuendos in mind.

Does he try to slip his hands into your shorts as he says he loves you? He’s obviously saying it just to flatter you or impress you enough to unbutton your shorts!

The further away his first “I love you” is from the possibility that both of you may end up in bed, the truer his intentions may be.

Why guys say “I love you” even if they don’t mean it

For a guy, sex is just that. It’s sex. It doesn’t always have to be attached with emotions. On the other hand,  for a girl, sex is almost always entwined with emotions and love. And guys know that.

By promising a girl that he’s in love with her, he’s saying just what the girl wants to hear, he’s mixing sexual pleasure with the promise of emotional attachment. And when a guy does that, a girl almost always feels obligated to give in and indulge the guy’s sexual desires because “he truly loves her"

For a guy, it’s easy to say a few words, especially if the reward for it is sex. You’re happy, he’s happy. And everyone gets what they want, don’t they?

The 3 circumstances when a guy would say “I love you”

When a guy dates you, there are just three possibilities when he would say that he loves you. Even if there are any other smaller reasons, they can still be summarized in these three circumstances.

He wants to get into your panties. He wants to have sex with you, and he knows you’ll indulge him only if he makes some kind of a commitment first.

He’s trapped into saying it. He may really like you a lot, but he’s still confused about whether he’s truly in love with you. But he says those three words because you’re forcing him into saying it *by saying you love him and waiting for him to say it back*, or worse, he feels obligated to say it because he assumes that’s what you want to hear.

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