singing dog!

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Most mammals like dogs are closely related to human due to progression. Many dogs seek to comfort distressed human infants, just as we seek to comfort distressed kittens and puppies. This video is so cute! Dog sings for the crying baby.

This is Adorable! People called it “tummy time”, babies often cry and hate it, but it’s necessary for babies’ development, but here comes a caring friend who is willing to sing for the baby. They are really sweet!

This is true friendship, how cute! Have you ever seen this? This is cute, sweet and so touching!

It’s really anybody’s guess what is going on in these interactions. There are a lot of experts commenting on them, but without knowing more about the contexts and the individuals involved, it’s just guesswork. To really know what was happening, I would need to know if the baby and the dog usually act like this or if it was just a one-time event. I’d also want to know what works for soothing the babies when the dogs aren’t involved, and what other sounds or situations make the dogs howl.
Here are some possibilities about what is going on, but as I said, it’s not possible to know for certain which explanations are correct. It’s highly likely that a totally different interpretation is the right one.
The baby stops crying because he likes the howling.
The baby stops crying because he likes any loud noise
The baby stops crying because the howling startles him.
The cessation of the baby’s crying has nothing to do with the howling at all.
The dog howls because she likes to join in with the baby’s “howling.”
The dog howls because she has learned that this gets the baby to quiet down.
The dog howls because she doesn’t like being near the baby.
The dog howls because she’s trying to get a human’s attention: (“Pick up the baby and make it stop!!!)

But at the end of the video we dont really knOw what is gOing on with the baby and the dOg, why they are like a singer who sang a acapella song..It's funny and sweet to saw this kind of situation where we can learn something from our pets likE dOgs.
I find it really cute how the baby feels comforted by the dog. He stops crying when the dog starts to sing and he begins to cry harder as the dog moves away.


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a simple yet extraordinary man!..:D

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