Spoke more hair care beauty secrets of India

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Weather is a factor directly affecting more hair to wear either winter or summer. But with the cold and dry climate in winter, easy to make your hair tangled and fiber breakage.
Therefore, hair care and always keep good health is disturbed by all the sisters. Below, a few tips for hair care for women Indian help you "own" beautiful hair in no time care.
Before the massage, you should clean the hair with mild shampoo effect (you can use a shampoo for kids), should avoid the oil characteristics of fungi, dandruff. Thus, the hair and the scalp absorb the nutrients better.
Massage your scalp with hair pins

Use coconut oil, almond oil, boiling kettle, hair and rub into the hair shaft. Then carefully about each hairline. This action combined with warm oil helps the skin absorb the oil. You should perform this step within 15-20 minutes.
hair Conditioner
When you wash your hair with oils extracted from herbs, locust, mint, ... After washing, absorbent cotton towels in your hair, you should avoid dryer.
Hair mask

Incubate hair with egg whites provide the best source of protein for hair. You just separating egg yolks from the eggs and add honey or olive oil and mix together. Use this mixture to your hair before applying shampoo will help your hair always shiny, shiny. You can also mix 2 egg yolks with 1 bit of baking soda, 1 tablespoon olive and massage the hair. Baking soda will help take away the layer of dandruff in the hair roots while egg yolk and olive will help erase fissures on the scalp. However, with any natural therapies which are needed in your perseverance.
Anti-dandruff with coconut oil

If you're a dry scalp or dandruff tip, how best to treat with coconut oil. properties of coconut oil not only provides vitamin E to smooth hair, fatty acids help your hair off dandruff. After washing your hair, massage with coconut oil you warm. Just use warm towel, absorbent few drops of coconut oil, massage into hair, helps hair shiny.
Indian women prevent hair loss with hibiscus flowers
To prevent hair loss - hibiscus is considered a great natural remedy. You just pound a few hibiscus flowers, filter the juice and mix it with coconut oil. Then use that essence on the way. Structures of small molecules of nutrients on the hair helps the hair absorb easily be improved. Pantene Cora substance contained in the hibiscus flowers not only prevent hair loss but also hair strong, smooth.

Hopefully, with great hair care tips of Indian women, help women owned silky hair, full of life.

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