STEP BY STEP easy to follow on HOW I LOST 10 KILOS!!!

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OBESITY has become one of the problems around the world. In fact killer diseases like cancer, diabetes, kidney failure and many more may have rooted from this one small problem. Yes I said it is small (although obese people are big) because you can simply eliminate it. Many have tried but failed. WHY? It boils down to one big love. The LOVE FOR FOOD. Like who can hate food right? So the real question here is how to unlove food? Good news guys, you do not have to do that. You just have to love the RIGHT FOOD and hate the WRONG ONE. Here are the steps on how I lost 10 kilos:

  1. ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE OBESE! It sounds easy but believe this is the hardest part of all. Who want to say to himself or herself that "hey, you look fat!", "Hey, you are unhealthy.". NO ONE! But believe me, once you face yourself in the mirror and accept the reality, that is the start of something new. As they said, acceptance of your mistake (eating too much unhealthy food) will lead to overcoming it. 
  2. EAT RIGHT! Body building is 80 percent food, 20 percent work out. When they said "You are what you eat.", they mean it literally. I have been working out for the past 2 years but never achieved my dream body and my result for just the past two months with CLEAN EATING amazed me. 
  3. GO TO THE GYM! Yes you have to if you are serious on changing your body. Be with people with the same mission as you are to keep the motivation burning. And guess what, the gym is the best place to look for them. Everybody there want to achieve something so do you. Be friendly with them and make sure to ask some advice from others who look better than you. 
  4. DECIDE! Dreaming without action is a wish, dreaming with action is a DECISION. If you are not 100 percent decided, you can't achieve anything. Decide first and keep that decision for yourself.
  5. TELL OTHERS THE GOOD NEWS. Sometimes it is good to tell your friends that you have a goal to change your body to feel sense of responsibility. You will find supportive friends along the way. 
  6. JUST DO IT!!!

Two months ago, I weigh over 85 kilos and I cant even see my self in front of the mirror. One time I said "Fat boy, your fat days are over!" Every day I said that to myself. Right now I weigh about 74 kilos and I continue to lose weight. Join me on my journey. Let us start a generation of fitness. I hope you learn from this blog. Feel free to comment for your questions. Thanks!


About the author


The man who can't be moved by trials and time.

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