Stop stress crash

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We need to learn what our personal triggers and warning signs are for a start. Keeping a diary helps. It helped me to identify my moods, when I felt over-tired, couldn't concentrate, what happened to make me feel worse or when I had a better day. You can see patterns developing when you do this. Be honest with yourself.

There are all kinds of warning signs, some of the common ones being: eating more or less, over-tired so unable to sleep, wanting to sleep too much, feeling shaky, more headaches than usual, getting angry easily, and having a low patience threshold. When you see warning signs, cut back, think of you, be selfish, and have lots of 'me' time.

Try noting everything from physical symptoms to thoughts. Know when to say no to things you don't want to do, define your boundaries in life and what is acceptable to you and what isn't. You have to look after yourself and be kind to yourself.

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