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Each negative thought represents stress. Stress itself is the response of the body to demands made upon it.Stress is the reaction  of the body to the stressors.If we pick up unhappy thoughts, these negative thoughts were quickly sent to the part of the brain that where the intellect meets the emotions. This is stress wherein the biochemical cascade turned a relaxed man into a whirlwind of energy.

     Sometimes stress is a good thing. It gets us going fast when we have too. It revs us up , prepares to take on challenges. But most of the time, however, stress is harmful. Everytime a negative thought invades our mind, the trip wire is jangled. Sometimes gently, sometimes loud and long. Forced  to undergo the stress reaction too often, the body starts to give way and the adrenal and other parts of the body involved with the stress reaction begin  to wither and rot.



About the author


im from San Pedro Laguna ,a mother of two kids and loves reading and watching tv.

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