Super Human

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Super Human is a human with extraordinary and unusual capabilities enabling them to perform feats well beyond anything that an ordinary person could conceivably achieve, even through long-time training and development.

Few days ago I was watching Season 2 of "Arrow" in which a guy named Oliver Queen lived on an island all alone for 5 years and come back to his city and start killing bad guys as vigilante and people named him The Hood and after killing the mastermind behind the scene crimes people named him The Arrow and consider him a good guy who helps them while wearing a Hood.

In Second Season I watched that a serum named Mirakuru [Miracle] made common person to a Super Human like Wolverine(X-Men) or other guys like him. On the same day I came to know that America is actually working on that Serum in real.

The Serum they are working on will heal wounds very fast and as wolverine does in X-Men series. It'll give them extra strength so that they can perform better in the field and face less injuries and killings.

America is taking Sci-fi and Tech movies very seriously and doing a lot of work to make them real. And according to Science everything is possible and there is always a scientific reason behind every happening. But I disagree a little with them.

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When I join something! they stop paying everyone :D

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