Survivng a teenage daughter part 2

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So we left off at my daughter being upset because I refused to let her go to her little boyfriend's house. So what does this little girl do? She goes to her father's house and he drops her off at the boy's house, after speaking to me and hearing that she shouldn't drop take her over there. She's failing school. To say I'm angry is an understatement I am livid! It makes no sense for a grown man to take his daughter over to a boys house and drop her off. Just leaving your daughter over there alone for what reason? I mean seriously, do you want her to have a baby? Is that what you want? That's whats going to happen.   What do you do when your ex  seems to be that dumb?   And then he says "well after she got off the phone with you she said that you said it was ok so i took her".  I mean what in the lord heaven is going through this mans head that he thinks a child with a 1.3 gpa needs to be worried about going over to a little boys house? She needs to be worried about Math and Science and English. Am I right on that? 

I personally think that the paragraph above is what is wrong with the world today!  We have a generation of parents who weren't supervised when they were kids parenting kids who they don't think need to be supervised at all. When your child is getting homemade tattoos in your home while you are "parenting" there is a problem!  When you can't be bothered with your kids because you want to take your girlfriend out to eat there is a LARGE problem. The fact I have to have this conversation IS A PROBLEM. You can't expect your kids to parent themselves they are kids!!!! you just can't expect them to make decisions on their own that will affect their lives forever and then be upset when they screw up. I mean come on, didn't we decide to make a child TOGETHER?!?!?!?!?!? If we decided to make a child together that means we wanted to do this stuff right?Just because we split up doesn't mean that we abandon the children that we made together. We still have to parent. Right? And when you don't parent the child or give in to the child on certain issues so that she likes one parent more what message does that sent to the child involved? How on earth could you do that to a child?How do you risk their safety and well being to make the other person angry? 


Okay...rant over.....thank you for listening!!

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