Technology and the future

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This world is full of the benefits of technology. Therefore, we are sometimes depending on technology too much. For example, one person would not move from house. He can order something to eat by telephone. He can also buy clothes by Internet. This kind of service is used delivery system, so he doesn’t need to move from his house. This is one of benefits of technology called transportation.

It’s not only that man. It can refer to us. If we don’t have a telephone, it’s too inconvenient. We can’t talk to people who live a long distance from our house, even in the same town. If we don’t have a TV or radio, we can’t get exact information about the world. If we don’t have a car, we can’t go too far. It’s so inconvenient.

I think technology is great; it can make our work very easy. Computers make our work easier. Sometimes there are problems, because when the system doesn't work, we can't do anything. I don't like this problem, but I know technology in the future will become better. I know our work will become easier, too. We need to know how to use these new programs.

Technology in the world is very important, because everything such as all personal data, banking, records, and drivers licenses are in the computers. If they stop, we can't do anything. This is not good for us. I hope Technology never stops. We need to be happy with the advance of Technology, because it's very good. I like to know about the new advances, and I would like to learn more.

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