The book smarts vs. the street smarts

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There are lot of people become famous and also become wealthy because they have talent and gifted with knowledge and always use a book to progress for their life. They are indeed the bookworm and become professional to their field . Like Doctor, Lawyer, Nurses or Teachers that the book has the big help for them to the type of career they choose. They are called 'book smarts ' before and even now. But there are also so people used to be wealth not because of books but being practical in their life. They have a logical approach to any problem or situation.They are called the 'street smarts' If you truly understand what I mean. The book smart maybe the good politician that serve honestly for the people and have a good salary and the street smart is a politician who is salary is enough but have that practical doings like corruption so that the salary become double. So different situation the are use to be progressive in life.

About the author


I am a simple man.. likes to be online and have friends. im looking for the best way to express myself and thoughts and to earn online. ^_^

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