The circumstances behind my hiatus

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I am not really back, so I'll explain what has kept me busy. I was doing some offline things to earn money and I was working on that article (still not finish) that I hope will earn me a 100 dollars. I also been doing some gigs while processing my application for that insurance company. 

Right now I'm waiting for that tab they issue to their agents to use for work(I'm going to play some PVZ on the side mwahaha!!!). I may continue your favorite bit adventures once my schedule eases up a bit like if I manage to reach my quota. I am also writing now on "Best writers". Moreen is also there and some other folks from Kula. 

Anyways I still need to study a lot of things to help me sell insurance so got to go 

*teleports away

About the author


I am the awesome Ben Ryan Lee

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