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            In our general talks we cannot explain that what is the difference between marriage and love?

This difference we can judge by the story of the following.

Once a student asks the teacher, teacher what is love?

Teacher says the student love means doing well, love is a gender less feeling. There is no achievement in love.


The student cannot understand the words of the teacher. Then the teacher told the student to go the garden and take himself with the flower which is the most beautiful. The student goes to the garden. In garden he chooses the best one but leave it by thinking of the batter than this. But he cannot find the batter than he left. So he comes back and loses the first flower. He comes back with the empty hands. The teacher asks about the flower and the student tells her the whole story. Then the teacher says this is love. 

            Another student stands up and asks the teacher. Teacher what is marriage. The teacher says him. Go to the garden and take the most beautiful flower or rose. The student goes the garden but he does not repeat the same mistake like the student before. So he comes back with the most beautiful flower present in the garden and shows the teacher. The teacher becomes very happy and the he says this is marriage the beautiful relation. the thing which remains keeps with u is marriage because u do not search the more beautiful than one. And when u search more than more beautiful things. So we lose our special things. Love is batter than marriage but in the form of marriage.

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