The Film "Business" with Steven Beer, Media and Entertainment Lawyer

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You made your film, showed it to your friends and family, and they liked it. Then what? Then, you want everybody to see it. Whether it is small or big, you want an audience. In his interview with (, Steven Beer tells us that once you step outside the family and friend circle and want to show your movie to an audience, you are in the film “business.” We all love the art and using the film medium as one of the most powerful ways of self-expression. But who can deny the obstacles to this self-expression when you’re trying to distribute your work? That big step that ties you to massive crowds.

Steven Beer of Greenberg Traurig, LLP, a leading media and entertainment lawyer, answered our questions about the legal aspects of filmmaking and distribution. From New Media to the WGA strike, you can surely find some answers to the questions that may be clouding your mind.

1) What made you choose media and entertainment law as your specialty? What attracts you to this industry?

Media and Entertainment law combines my dual interests in creative pursuits along with advocacy. I knew as early as high school that my path would lead to a career as an advocate for artists. I get a vicarious thrill through my clients' creative works and success.

2) What do you think about the role of the New Media as a new method of distribution in the film and entertainment industry?

I think the role is significant today in becoming a dominant force in content distribution and marketing. Filmmakers today have fewer obstacles in identifying and aggregating audiences and marketing to these groups and ultimately distributing their content to welcoming and eager groups.

3) In your opinion, what are some positive and negative effects of online distribution on the artist's rights? If online distributors do not choose to take copyrights, can this be a form of liberation for the filmmaker, the writer, etc.?

This is a cloudy issue that will take years to settle. Our definition of copyright from yesterday will no longer exist tomorrow. The online community is far more interested in progress and collaboration than they are with claiming what's "mine" and "yours." This is a huge positive, as creative individuals can find far more latitude in their pursuits, and we'll see some remarkably brilliant results in the near future. However, along this path there are sure to be casualties: the record companies and conglomerates that profit off of intellectual property will see a lot of their base disintegrate, for sure. As a result, the Entertainment Industry will be less of an Industry and much more of a Community.

4) What is your perspective on the WGA strike that is going on right now? Does it look like the Guild will be able to increase the current residual for internet downloads?

This is the first skirmish in what is bound to be a long battle as all Media moves online, and the definitions of rights are changed. I am not sure how good the guild's prospects are at this juncture, as writers are still operating within an older business model. The media companies feel that the writers need them just as much, and as a result don't need to give up that quickly. However, the writers will prove to set an example for every other exploited artist out there, and there are many, and in the end (eventually) writers will get what they deserve, and those who are currently obscenely profiting will not enjoy such luxury in a much more leveled playing field.

5) Especially in documentary making, how much do the copyright issues affect a film's budget?

It depends on the film. Much of the content used for documentaries is fair use and educational.

6) Francesco Rulli mentioned that you are in the process of writing a book. Would you like to tell us something about it?

A magician never gives away his secrets.

For more information on Steven Beer, please visit

Interview by Eren Gulfidan -

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