The future of Artificial intelligence in the Transport Industry

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Video credits: AutoSens via Youtube 



 image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders 

The future of Artificial intelligence in the Transport Industry

The transportation industry is a vast ecosystem which covers everything related to major modes of transport namely; road, rail, marine, and air transportation.


In an era of evolving technological advancement, there is more to the transportation industry than what we know.


Artificial intelligence can be applied in any field of life. The transport industry is one of such fields. 

Automakers have turned to artificial intelligence in order to adapt to the change in the transport landscape

The demand for the automation of cars, trucks, and other means of transport into self-driven. 

Technological advancement made it possible for people and automobile industry to look into a possible future of autonomous means of transport. 


image credits: bhmpics

Therefore the invention of the autonomous automobile.

It is no longer a problem of if, it’s only fair that the transport industry changes proportionally to technology. 

Imagine a world without carbon dioxide emission from cars and factories, this is thanks to artificial intelligence & machine learning. 

The areas in which AI can be applied is vast, and its usability seems limitless 

With the advancement in technology, it is possible for predictive maintenance of infrastructures, cars, business, trucks, life etc.

This trend had increasing recognition and acceptance as people are advocating the unmanned transport system in the future. 

The goal here is to discuss the future of the transport system in an era of AI!

Come on!

You must have thought about it at some point and have drawn the conclusion of whatever!

Well, your thoughts may not be far from reality, tomorrow is already here as we have Google self-driving car!


For a progressive and competitive industry, there is a need for growth and development. 

Embracing change in perception and working towards fruition is the key to revolutionalize the transportation industry.

To create a future for our transport industry, it solely rests on the shoulders of engineers, designers and its implementation by transport managers.

This future must safely integrate AI into the transport ecology. 

Therefore, the shift from manned transport to the unmanned transport system

The world takes baby steps, but the transport industry needs a big leap into the unmanned transport system. 

video credits: Startup Grind via Youtube 

Artificial intelligence is a tool that would shape the world and ushered us into the modern age of transport. 

AI has the capacity to change and unveil new ways of thinking.

It can also bring about innovative feasibly ideology into every discipline in life. 

How AI will impact the transport industry 


Driverless trucks made by Otto have successfully driven 120 miles at 55mph.  This is a major break-through we have seen.

The cost of labor will decrease as transport systems are moving away from manned to unmanned transport system because of artificial intelligence (AI). 


image credits: VolvoGroupVideos via Youtube

When AI is fully operational in the transport industry, issues like long driving hours and stopping for breaks will no longer become of concern.

Accidents, manned transportation and traffic rules violation will cease to exist on roads. Manned vehicles will extinct as VHS are.

The Future of AI in the Transport Industry 

Although the future is bright for artificial intelligence, we must not neglect the warnings of some of the brightest minds on earth. 

We cannot know if we will be destroyed by AI

Stephen Hawking 

The future of AI is uncertain, lots of danger hide where we don’t look. There is still more to explore before we hand over our existence to our creation. 


image credits: Docxdrl via Bitlanders

AI poses a great threat than global warming, but also a great future for humans. We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst to come.

 We cannot know if we will be infinitely helped by AI, or ignored by it and slide, or conceivably destroyed by it

Stephen Hawking  

Despite all these, let's enjoy the benefits of AI in the transportation industry and make the world a better place. 

Please enjoy the Querlo chat 

As already noted and discussed, AI is the key to our future in the transportation industry, specifically, the autonomous transport system.

Some cars are equipped with features like collision detector, lane support, automatic car park, video feed, etc. it’s a step closer to what we desire as humans

All these are possible because of Artificial Intelligence. The future of autonomous cars, unmanned fighter jets and drones is tied to advancement in technology. 


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Simple, Kind and always keeping it real

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