The industry of hopes of ruins

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  Someone once told me that before you can attain your dreams, you must follow your heart. As a freelancer in London, I quickly realised that payment does not pay unless you know those who do. Is it now time to demand payment? Or is it time to take some advice from those who have travelled the heavily beaten path and succeeded where others have failed. Do I continue selling myself short or do I follow my dream? 

  What would you do, if you needed to get somewhere but you had no financial backing? Take out a loan? What if you couldn't pay it back. Apply for funding? Well David Cameron quickly squashed any hopes of that in today's England. Props to him, both raising taxes and destroying any chance for a nobody to become a somebody. 

  I believe, however sad it sounds, that it is finally time, to take a wrong turn and trust that the artist within knows what he's doing. That accepting who you are and what you're made of, could take you to places that you only dreamed of. 

  It's time to be a film-maker and not just a film student. Even though both can easily combine. 

  Here's to following a dream. 

Take a step


About the author


A film maker based in London and New York City. Style and substance, a rare combination.

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