The Lost Empire: The Golden Horde Empire

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The Lost Empire: The Golden Horde Empire


The Golden Horde Empire was a Turkicized Khanate. It was established in the thirteenth century.  It lasted for 100 years after the death of Batu Khan.  The Name of the empire is inspired from the golden color, as the golden colored tents were used by Mongols to live during the time of war. The Empire’s army power peaked in the rime of power of Uzbeg in the year 1312 – 1341. The Empire of Golden Horde conquered most of the part of East Europe.  The Empire extended from Urals to the banks of Danube River expanding in east in Siberia. The Empire is bordered by the Black sea in the Southern part. In beginning the Khanate suffered a internal violent due to political chaos in the year 1359. The Empire of Horde began to be apart in the starting of the 15th Century.  The Black Death of the 1340s was a central point helping the monetary defeat of the Golden Horde. Janibeg deserted his father's Balkan aspirations and supported Moscow against Lithuania and Poland. He additionally attested Jochid strength over the Chagatai Khanate and vanquished Tabriz, finishing Chobanid manage there in 1356. In the wake of tolerating the surrender of the Jalayirids, Janibeg gloated that three uluses of the Mongol Empire were under his control. The Polish King, Casimir III the Great, submitted to the Horde and embraced to pay tribute keeping in mind the end goal to maintain a strategic distance from more clashes. The seven Mongol sovereigns were sent by Janibeg to support Poland.