The Motherhood Experience

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Being a mother is probably the most tiring, exhausting and yet the most interesting job in the world. This is the only full time job in the world which reaps no money out of it but it is still  all worth it. 

Starting from the day you conceive till the last day u breastfeed and continuing till your last breath you are bound to struggle day and night just to raise your kids well enough and in the end what really matters is how much you loved your children. 

Yes its hard but you get to learn from your own mistakes and experiences with time and patience. 



Recalling my experience being a first time mother of a toddler girl always puts a smile on my face. For every pound i gained, for every sick day, for all those sleepless nights, those excruciating labor pains , a tear here and a stitch there, for all those countless hours of breastfeeding and changing diapers and washing the laundry i still am ready to do it all over again because you my child are so worth it. 


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