The Power Of A Jingle!

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For the last week, I have been sitting behind a production manager who is currently working on a 'go compare' advert. Now I admit, young, artistic film makers would cringe at the idea of being a part of any of these ads.... BUT as far as the power of advertising goes.... no one could see those two words strung together without bursting into song... GOOOOOO COMPARRRREEEE!!! (For anyone outside the uk who may not have seen these... Here's the link... You'll see what I mean! )

And for this reason, surely the ad was successful? It won't win any awards for being shot nicely or completely original perhaps, but if your thinking of somewhere to compare insurance, it's hard to even think the word compare without throwing the word 'go' in front of it....! This topic spun of onto a long conversation about jingles, and how powerful they really are... "washing machines live longer with Calgon!"... Or what about... "auto glass repair! Auto glass replace!" Most annoying award goes to: "we buy any car(.com) any make any model any place anywhere from 50 quid... To 100 grand!!!". I hate that one.

Let's face it. Jingles annoy us, they get stuck in our head, and they take ages to go away... Some have been around for 50 years or more...! The power of a good jingle Is invaluable... One of the best examples out there is probably... 'mild greeeeen...fairy liquid!'

The power behind this, has to be the nostalgia element. The 50's style accent and the gentle feeling it gives off pretty much brings everyone back to their childhood... You've sung it to yourself haven't you? And imagined mums hands in the sink? Thats an advert that ticked every box, and they even managed to bring the ads back out for their anniversary, to great effect too!

I find it hard to imagine that my nephews or any other kids about will reach 40, hear 'go compaaarreeeee' and smile to themselves....More of an eye roll or a chuckle perhaps. But saying that, I cant imagine price comparison websites being around forever, or even in 30 years time.... but We'll always have to wash dishes!

'mild greeeen.....'

About the author


I am a short film maker, who started out at Staffordshire University not knowing anything, other than that I wanted to work with people. I graduated from that University two years and have carried the same dream! Which has led me into the world of commercials production. I currently work…

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