The rack or the knife?The rack or the knife?

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E’S gone. No, he’ll survive. He’ll definitely go. Maybe he’ll survive. He can’t survive. Maybe he’ll go. Gone, safe. In, out.

Everyone’s got an opinion on Nawaz.

And why not? It’s the only show in town. Not quite death watch and not yet circus show, it’s depressing-riveting in a very Pakistani way.

But with all the focus on the how, there’s something that’s been missed — why?

There’s really three options for who — Nawaz, Imran or the boys. We all know why Nawaz could end up ousting himself — because, well, he’s Nawaz.

And we all know why Imran wants him gone — there can only be one prime minister and as long as someone else has that job, Imran doesn’t.

But the boys are a bit more puzzling. What the hell could Nawaz have done to make them want to knock him out? Even the Nawaz camp seems unsure.

Unsure, but aggrieved. Convinced that it’s the boys who caused and are stoking the latest instability, the Nawaz coterie is indignant — we even let Musharraf go; what else do they want?