The skinny on being skinny..

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Today on facebook I was reading threw my news feed and saw a quote that my friend had written.. it said "The focus on women's appearance has got out of hand - no one really has perfect skin, perfect hair and a perfect figure, but women and young girls increasingly feel that nothing less than thin and perfect will do."

Being an actress this really struck a cord with me. Everyone in this business strives for "Perfection" and no one every really seems happy with themselves..

People look at the magazines and say, Omg I want her legs or I want a flat stomach like her.. I do this all the time. But it has really gotten out of hand.

The standards for women to be thin and "so called" beautiful are stressful, hard and sometimes even unachievable.

So instead of trying to be someone else’s definition of beautiful, we can create our own..

I am beautiful because I love myself, how are you beautiful?

<3 Paige

About the author


Paige Howe is young, up and coming actress and model born and raised in New Jersey. Paige started her journey in 2005 walking the runway in multiple fashion shows. Throughout her 5 years in the fashion business, she began to broaden her talent, and focus her passion into film and…

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