The Skype Scene

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A group of musicians and their groupies sit around in a sparsely furnished living room, jamming. It seems like they’ve been up since the previous night in the company of an ashtray filled with cigarette butts and half empty glasses of beer. Though in reality, they've been here since early morning. There are also some coffee mugs on the table, and against the wall rests a large painting of a woman sporting a pearl necklace, her face painted lime green. One of the musicians picks up the ashtray and attempts to dump the smoked cigarettes in the trash, only to be stopped by his groupie who tells him to put it down, because “it’s a prop.” So, who are these people? One of them is Francis Kuipers, 4:44’s composer, who is also playing Teddy, a friend of Cisco (Willem Dafoe) in the film. The others might be actors or a bunch of Lower East Side scenesters, we aren't sure. The point is they are all here to shoot the Skype scene between Cisco and Teddy, the scene in which they all jam together on the last day on Earth. In this smoked-filled room, a Macbook pro shines like a diamond, taking minimal space on a wooden table across from the cast. The Macbook’s built-in camera will be used to film this scene while the “real” camera up on the 5th floor (Cisco’s apartment) will film Cisco talking to Teddy on Skype. So, we are looking at one of those “frame within a frame” type of shots… Director of Photography, Ken Kelsch shoots Cisco as he video chats in real time with the actors jamming on the 3rd floor. It took the crew a long time to shoot this complex scene. There were several takes, adjustments here and there, re-thinking, re-shooting, etc. Later on, we had the pleasure to talk to Mr. Dafoe who also warned us about the high stress levels that might be encountered through out the day. He seemed pretty relaxed though, walking around in his navy-blue, velvety robe. After all, he is the green goblin. What’s stress to him? UP NEXT: Stuntman jumps off the fire escape! -- Eren Gulfidan (

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4:44 is a new film by Abel Ferrara, starring Willem Dafoe and Shanyn Leigh. This is the third collaboration Ferrara is having with Dafoe, who previously starred in New Rose Hotel and Go Go Tales. 4:44 focuses on the relationship between Cisco (Dafoe), a successful actor, and his painter girlfriend,…

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