The Social Media Revolution is a reality

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Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a great week. My prayers are still with Japan and those affected by one of the biggest catastrophes on earth. I recently watched a video called The Social Media Revolution on You Tube and thought this would a great thing to expand on in today’s blog. This video described social media to be one of the biggest revolutions since the industrial revolution. Yes, the industrial revolution, a time in history that changed the lifestyle of so many people. Similarly, many of us overlook the growth of social media has had in last year or two and the way it has impacted millions of lives.

Some astonishing facts described in the video were the fact that we no longer have to go search for products of our interest, but the fact that they will find us. The short time period it took to Facebook and Iphone applications to reach millions of users in comparison to the Radio or Television. Also, if Facebook were a country, it would be the 4th largest in the world. These were just some of the statistics that were described in the video.

In a way the first one mentioned is a bit scary, but also amazing. The news, products and services that we like find us on the internet. What is scary about this is that people and companies know what you like without ever meeting you. Every move you make, click you do is being watched somewhere and by someone. This brings the issue of privacy. What if you do not want people to know what you do or watch? On another aspect, it is amazing that you will be effortlessly be able to shop for products and services without spending countless hours searching on the internet.

Although The Social Media Revolution has its negative aspects, I am strong believer that the positives outweigh the negatives. I think the ability to communicate and distribute news, feelings and thoughts to a particular event, movie, sport etc is beyond amazing. You have the ability to get your point across in a matter seconds, hours and days by one tweet, Facebook status, Facebook posts, Digg or any other social media platform.

What are your thoughts about the Social Media Revolution? Do you have negative feelings towards this rapid change or do you embrace the role it now plays in our lives? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Have a great weekend!

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About the author


My name is Cyndi Mendoza, a new addition to the Film Annex Team. I was born and raised in Orange County, California, but have now lived in New York for about three years. I graduated from Pace University, majoring in International Marketing with minors in political science and Spanish. I…

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