The Venus Factor System Pdf Lose Weight By Choosing

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You will probably need to go shopping to get some The Venus Factor System Review of the items, so you can take your written list with you. Also, write down what you hope to achieve during the first thirty days of your new eating and exercise regime. You might want to lose a specific number of pounds or a certain number of inches around your waist or thighs. Whatever it is, write it down so that you can look at it regularly.


Go through your refrigerator and pantry and get rid of any foods that will not serve you well during this time. Give away or throw away cookies, potato chips and sodas. These are empty calories and have no place in your new, healthier way of eating. Visit a health food grocery store for ideas on nutritious foods that are simple to prepare. Inquire about foods such as cous cous, which is high in protein and can be made in the microwave in just minutes. Once you have thought about your new way of eating and written down your plan, you will be ready to begin the very next day.

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