There are More Things in Life than Being a Crybaby after Break Up

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Hii friends... We all have been in love with someone in our past and many are still in love with their partner. And I can guarantee that more than half of the people have broke their heart after the break up or cheating. And then the ugliest face of the relationship comes in front of us. We get in deep depression and always think about the good memories of the past, we automatically lost all the connection with the people in our surrounding even our family too who are closest to us. Some of them get so much hurt that they want to end their life and even try to do so by trying to commit suicide.
Oh God!!! Is it the end of the world friends. I mean are you serious?? Really??? One betray, one breakup and you want to end your life. This is the most foolish thing one can think about.
Man you have a family who loves you more than anyone else in the World. You have best friends with whom you share and spend the best moments of your life. And You want to leave all these people just for one foolish reason. Its not a wise act. I also have been through the same incident but I didn't feel bad for that or tried to harm myself, because I knew that it was not my mistake or fault. And if I am right then i will stand tall for it.


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