This is not just a biblical argument but also a social argument!

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Same sex marriage is a hot issue. What is your stand? In my own opinion, I disagree for homosexual union doesn't produce an offspring in this world. To no offense of my homosexual friends. Marriage is a covenant same as single blessedness.. No one prohibits to have someone to be your companion. But to marry. It's a different issue. Their stand for the same sex marriage is for the financial security. You will have the right of your partners property. But the thing is, it's only a privilege if you marry your partner. Marriage is more than that, it is being one, with a duty to multiply and make a future for our human kind. If that is only what their upto, better make a contract of belongings, but marriage is a big NO.

About the author


Joren Bautista Jugadora is the name behind this cutie Avatar♥From the City of Waterfalls Iligan,I am a 90s kiddo,20 year young, taking the course in Industries Filled at MSU-IIT.I am a Graphic Artist.I am kind and approachable.but I am moody. Meet me in person for more info. ^^

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