This week’s FREE FILMS on Film Annex

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1) Bumping Into Broadway

Directed by Hal Roach and starring Charlie Chaplin, the short silent classic will bring you to the verge of tears from infinite laughter.

Young playwright (Lloyd) spends his last cent to pay the rent of struggling actress (Daniels) in a theatrical boarding house. Pursuing her, he winds up at a gambling club, where he wins big, just before a police raid.

To watch the film for FREE, visit:

2) Fitzgerald’s Flask

From the director: “Fitzgerald's Flask” is a fantasy mixture of Roaring Twenties silent film cinema and futuristic science fiction. Destitute and drunk, Jazz Age author F. Scott Fitzgerald (“The Great Gatsby”) contacts sci-fi writer H.G. Wells (“The Time Machine”) and travels forward in time to the 21st century. Upon arrival, he auctions his memorabilia and thus reaps the rewards of his posthumous success. Filmed on Long Island and in Manhattan. Winner of the “Best Short Film-Video” Award at the 2006 Long Island International Film Expo. Produced and directed by Philip Snyder and Robert M. Snyder.

To watch the film for FREE, visit:

3) Audio Spectrum Revolver

Audio Spectrum Revolver is where poetry meets experimental video. In this short film by Michael Wyshock, you’ll watch the Slam Poets Anis Mojgani, Derrick Brown, Dan Leaman, Mike McGee, and Buddy Wakefield perform their work in digital environment that translates audio output to figurative range of motion in 3D.

To watch the film for FREE, visit:

Enjoy the show!

Film Annex

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