[Tutorial] Cracking WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS using Fern-Wifi-Cracker

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Problems and Solutions

Q: Is My Wireless Card Compatible?
A: For working and compatible list of network adapters, visit http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatible_cards

If your device is supported on the list and still can't connect try these solutions:
• use Backtrack5 liveCD - some reported that using built-in wireless adapter is not detected when using VMwares and suggested to use this method.
• Configure VirtualBox Network Settings

Q: Is it capable to crack WPA/WPA2 with or without WPS ?
A: Yes...The example and the screenshots given on this tutorial is the actual cracking of WPA2 w/out WPS...It was tested on my own wifi using B200W modem.

Q: How long will it take to crack the wifi password?
A: It depends on the security type (WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPS) that you are trying to crack.

B. Signal strength – be sure that the wireless network you are trying to crack is turned on and has good signal.

C. Computer Specs – obviously, a good computer may reduce the time in cracking.


This tutorial is for educational purposes only. DO NOT use this to harm or damage other’s computer.

Requirements :
• Backtrack 5 r3 LiveCD or ISO - (download here) or here
• VMware (I used Oracle VM VirtualBox) or here
• Wireless Network Adapter (I used RT73USB Wireless Network Adapter
• Dictionary or Wordlist - for those who are cracking WPA/WPA2 without WPS.
» Dictionary File (13GB Dictionary file compressed to 4.49GB - download here) or here

In this tutorial, I already have Backtrack 5r3 installed in VMware/VirtualBox. So I will assume that you have done that too or you can just boot using LiveCD. Make a little research if you don’t know how to install Backtrack into VMware/VirtualBox or you can visit my tutorial (click here).

This method is just a simplified version of the most popular cracking tools like aircrack-ng and reaver.

Ok, Let’s start…

1. Open fern-wifi-cracker.
Click Applications> Exploitation Tools> Wireless Exploitation Tools> WLAN Exploitation> Fern-wifi-cracker


2. Getting the update (This is optional)
This will also work without updating fern-wifi-cracker.

Getting update needs internet connection. I recommend you to get the latest update, because in my experience it can’t capture the clients connected to the Access Point (Target) and it works only after getting the update.

Restart Fern Wifi Cracker after getting the update.


3. Follow the image below.
a. Select your interface card, mine is wlan0.
b. Scan for access points
c. If access point is found, WEP or WPA button will be enabled. My access point is using WPA, let’s proceed.


4. After clicking WPA button, a window will appear. It shows the detected access points and its details.
- Select your target access point
- Select an attack option. In this tutorial, I used WPA option.
- Browse for dictionary.
- Click Wifi Attack and wait. WPA Key will be shown below after cracking.



This tutorial is for educational purposes only. DO NOT use this to harm or damage other’s computer.

Original post @ http://chatnology.blogspot.com 

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freelance comp.tech.

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