"Uniform civil code should be implemented in India."

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The Constitution of India enjoins its States to strive for uniform civil
code. It is thus the duty of our legislature to bring it into practice.
All the social evils like fundamentalism, communalism can be traced to
non-adoption of the uniform civil code in India. There is alienation
among various religious communities, as every community wants to be
governed according to its own socio-religious laws as sanctioned by the
scriptures and holy books. This has resulted in different laws for
different religious communities, which is not conducive to national
integration. Uniform civil code is essential to ensure peace among
various religious and social communities, as then there would be no
divergent views of various communities. This will help in national
Some of the practices sanctioned by some religions particularly in the
matter of treatment of women constitute acts of obscurantism and
superstition. Women's rights to equality under law are violated in the
name of sanction of religion. This must be ended.
India is a secular, sovereign country. Domination of different religious
laws is not at all consistent with the tenets of secularism and


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