uses of yogurt

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Yogurt (also spelled yoghurt) is one of most popular fermented dairy products in the world. It has been eaten by humans throughout the history, and is used as a part of a meal, snacks, or as a components of dessert and sauces. The word yogurt comes from the turkey and refers thick milk. The yogurt makes put the  boiled milk in the container by adding half teaspoon of yogurt and covered by some warm clothes and left it for some hour. The lactobacillus bacteria activate and convert the milk into thick yogurt. It is highly nutritious and excellent source of protein, calcium and potassium. It has a probiotics (good bacteria) helps to maintain the immune system and reduce the risk of eczema in babies. It is antibiotics agent. It gives 59 calories and a versatile. You can dip it, freeze it, spread it and add fruits to it and eat it plain. Yogurt contain small amount of natural milk sugar (lactose).

Uses of yogurt

1-Help in lactose intolerance

As a alternative of milk,eating yogurt with live cultures seems to improve lactose tolerance in child and adults who cannot consumes milk.

2-Bone Health

Yogurt contain calcium, potassium,protein,phosphorous and magnesium which work together and promote the strong, healthy bone and teeth. Yogurt provide a complete nutrients that are not presents alone in calcium tablets. Yogurt prevents the osteoporosis.

3-Enhance the Immune systems

According to the International Journal of Immunotherapy, yogurt with active cultures enhances the body’s immune system by increasing the production of gamma interferons, which play a key role in fighting certain allergies and viral infections. Other studies indicate that yogurt can help prevent gastrointestinal infections (lactic acid helps inhibit the growth of food-borne pathogens, and yogurt cultures produce bacteriocins which restore natural intestinal cultures).

4- Digestive Health

One of the most touted health benefits of Greek yogurt is the probiotics it contains. These healthy bacteria help promote a healthy gut. Your digestive tract naturally contains lots of different types of bacteria -- some good, helping you digest food, and some potentially harmful. Eating Greek yogurt with probiotics helps increase the good bacteria in your gut. And the more good bacteria you take in, the less room there is for the bad varieties to grow. Maintaining this healthy balance of friendly bacteria can help with several digestive issues. For example, it may help keep you regular and fight the bad bacteria that can cause diarrhea. Probiotics may also be helpful for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.

4-Teeth Whitening

If you are looking for a natural home remedy for whitening teeth, opt for yogurt. Teeth whitening treatments are rather expensive, so why spend your money on them if you can whiten your teeth at home? Rub some yogurt onto your teeth daily and within a couple of weeks, your teeth will be sparkly white. This is due to the phosphorous and calcium found in yogurt.

5-Use for a DIY facial
Lactic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid, using it on your face as yogurt is so mild that even highly sensitive skin can take it. Yogurt can even out skin tone, fade freckles over time, and do a wonderful job to tighten pores and cleanse skin. Clean your face, apply a thin layer of plain yogurt to face, throat, and chest, and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. You can use this treatment every day.

6-Soothe sunburn pain
Yogurt contains zinc, which helps soothe the burning and itchiness of the sunburn. Apply a thick layer of plain, cool yogurt directly to your burn and rinse it off with cold water after 20 minutes. You can also mix your favorite essential oil into yogurt before applying it on your sunburn. This will help to soothe the inflamed skin.

7-Great hair mask and conditioner

Yogurt can use as a hair mask in place of conditioner. Take a plain natural yogurt, and spread all over the hair. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.It will help in soothe and inflamed scalp, reduce hair loss and can even help banish split ends.

8-Natural scrub

Yogurt is one of the best natural scrub for your hands, feet and whole body. Mix the yogurt with the dried citrus peel and massage into your skin in circular motion and rinse with cold and warm water. This natural skin makes your skin hydrated and smooth.

9-Acne –free skin

There are some home remedies to get rid of acne. Taking yogurt and put on the skin .It is acidic in nature and help to destroy the acne causing bacteria and germs from the body.

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