Wall Street Protesters Gaining Momentum & Supporters, by Ambassador mo

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Arrest of 700 and pepper-spraying by police have only added to commitment of and support for Wall Street Protesters. They came together perhaps best defined by tags as: young, anti-establishment and social media savvy. Anarchists to “Anonymous” were the descriptions frequently applied to define their politics. Building of Coalition, Organization & Support Base: Over the last couple of days though I received “invitations” from established labor and political organizations to come and join the big demonstrations planned for later today (Wednesday – 10-5-11). Undoubtedly I was not the only one on the mailing lists, and even if it is a workday, this may turn out to be the most effective if not necessarily largest turnout. The appeal is to a broad range of issues all now lumped under protests against “corporate greed” and “predatory capitalism.” There are individuals fearing unemployment, benefit and social program cuts. Others are worried about the widdeling away of savings and retirement accounts. Some have little or no confidence that either the US Congress or President is committed to protecting their economic future, homes or even political access. Some see American core freedoms and political rights at threat – Muslim to Gay Groups have joined to confront what they perceive as abuses and infringements already underway or looming . Sounds like a very broad agenda, and perhaps alliance that may not be entirely tenable or sustainable. However, a couple of reasons why the “protests” may persist and even expand. The established labor and political institutions increasingly involved provide organization, functional support and cohesion. There is a sense that economically, politically and Constitutionally, the US is at a fork in the road with two very different options before us. Social unease/unrest is being fueled by very real life concerns as in the 1960’s, war, bigotry, mistrust of government, wealth gaps and economic apprehensions. Ironically, it may be the Tea Party’s success on the center-right of the political spectrum that may serve as model and even inspiration. Impact Upon America’s Capitalist System: Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore and Russel Simmons are the more expected supporters who have come out. (See PHOTOS). On Monday even George Soros, a Wall Street icon albeit with more center left leanings, indicated his “sympathy.” See FILM REPORT - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/movie/soros-wall-street-protests/28740 . The immediate impact of the protests may be more difficult to ascertain. However, for Wall Street itself it may signal a gradual reversal of fortunes from now where corporate profits are healthy and treasuries are flush with cash while employees are facing unemployment’s risks and real income/benefit reductions. Will this also translate into the demise of America’s economic competitiveness and capitalist system? Nothing is absolute nor without costs as well as benefits. However, in order for America’s economic and political system to function optimally it does need more balance and health to be restored to homeowners, workers and its more vulnerable society members. After all, these are all consumers. The American capitalist system functions most optimally with a healthy consumer. The American Dream is part of Warren Buffet’s and Mark Zuckerberg’s story but also that of millions who value their modest retirement accounts, Walt Disney vacations, Levi Jeans and home ownership. Those who drive a wheel chair or Chevy are similarly entitled. One fundamental question though is outstanding. How will we or even the Wall Street protesters recognize success? Part of Diplomatically Incorrect’s “Money Flash” Also Watch "AAA Country"Channel - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/c/america-aaa-country By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey Facebook – Become a Fan at “Diplomatically Incorrect” Twitter - Follow us at DiplomaticallyX More at “International Financial Crisis” Channel - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/c/international-financial-crisis

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"Voice of the Global Citizen"- Diplomatically Incorrect (diplomaticallyincorrect.org) provide film and written reports on issues reflecting diplomatic discourse and the global citizen. Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey (@MuhamedSacirbey) is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International…

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