Wall Street Protesters-Nightmare for Obama & Republicans, by Ambassador mo

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Republican/Tea Party candidates have lost the momentum and can no longer claim popular initiative. Candidate Obama though is also apprehensive. Last election many who rallied around his message of “change” have seen a lot less than they may have expected in terms of the rhetoric and moment. Most feel let down and many sense betrayal by President Obama’s Administration on range of issues from war and economic equality to environment and personal rights. In 2012 they may decide to vote for “third party candidate” or simply rally around the issues rather than a candidate. Barak Obama actually may have to deliver and show why he deserves their vote, and thus no longer be able to employ the strategy of drifting to the right presumably to capture “centrist” voters. Candidate Obama has consistently opted for a washed down version of the “change candidate” following the conventional wisdom since Bill Clinton that Democrats must move right to claim presumably centrist voters. Republican contenders Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich as Tea Party candidates reacted instinctively to the momentum shift from right to the left. Cain labeled “Occupy Wall Street” protesters as “jealous” and “anti-American.” Cain claimed that the protesters are jealous of other people’s jobs and the success of millionaires. It was not the unemployed or jealous 20-30 somethings that I saw. Having made my own excursions to see who and what the Wall Street protesters are all about, the demographics were as broad as lower Manhattan itself – from students to 90 year olds. Many were dressed in suits. There was more than a touch of baby boomers. Although no poll could be taken, my perception was that most had actually come from a job to be part of last Wednesday’s organized demonstration. Best estimate that the crowd would have filled a big stadium 60,000-100,000 people but there were many more who were supporters and/or sympathizers just on the outside of the intimidating police barricades. Perhaps most importantly, think that Herman Cain may see the American Dream from too much of his own personal history – pizza retailing translated into milions. Most Americans would not necessarily reject millions but probably do not aspire to millionaire status. The real issue is opportunity and most critically economic equity. Many who have jobs, fear losing them or the health benefits essential for their families. Data just released evidences that Americans on average have lost more than 10% in absolute dollar terms of their income (from over $50,000 to over $45,000), and most of that drop actually occurred post recession. Further, many of those who have jobs, are actually living below the poverty line – not for lack of effort but fair pay and opportunity. (READ - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/poverty-in-us-the-working-poor-by-ambassador-mo/35135 ) Newt Gingrich was more clever in his labels blaming labor unions and class warfare. However, the class warfare many would argue has been ongoing for sometime launched by the right with pre-emptive strikes on a broad front of social programs and personal liberties. There is class warfare on the horizon, but “Occupy Wall Street” just happened to be the mobilizing force. Social media savvy and committed activists have proven themselves the more effective tactic, from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street. Herman and Newt are already starting to backpedal on their initial negative rhetoric in the “discontent” coming from the middle and working classes. During the Republican debate in New Hampshire, Cain again attempted to draw a divide between the discontent and “Occupy Wall Street” protesters effectively acknowledging discontent but continuing to define the later as malcontents. (See “Herman Cain-Will This Man be America’s Next President?” - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/will-this-man-be-americas-next-president-by-ambassador-mo/36191 ). However, his effort is already tardy as “Occupy Wall Street” is spreading across America and internationally to confront perceived economic inequality, greed and predatory capitalist. “Occupy Wall Street” is coming to a town near you! As for Cain’s and Republican efforts to encourage the demonstrators to go protest in front of the White House instead of Wall Street, they will. Barak Obama is not safe from their dissatisfaction; however this does not make the Republican hierarchy any more capable of deflecting accountability for America’s drift. Finally, as in all things where dollars are important, when it comes to US politics “Occupy Wall Street” is employing the old American axiom: “follow the money!” ARTICLE – “Wall Street Protesters Gaining Momentum” - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/wall-street-protesters-gaining-momentum-supporters-by-ambassador-mo/35788 By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey Facebook – Become a Fan at “Diplomatically Incorrect” Twitter - Follow us at DiplomaticallyX More at “International Financial Crisis” Channel - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/c/international-financial-crisis PHOTO Courtesy of www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/occupywallstreet.html

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"Voice of the Global Citizen"- Diplomatically Incorrect (diplomaticallyincorrect.org) provide film and written reports on issues reflecting diplomatic discourse and the global citizen. Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey (@MuhamedSacirbey) is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International…

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