ways to be happy

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Being confident about who you are is the first step to happiness. Recognizing what you love about yourself first will make you much happier to be in your own skin. Start by making a list of all of the things you love about yourself, whether it's your free spirit, your work ethic, or your shiny hair. Think of the compliments you get. If people are always telling you you're a great friend, or admiring your ability to find balance in your life, they're probably on to something. Appreciate what makes you unique. How cool you speak four languages, can walk on your hands, or can instantly make new friends. Not everyone can do that, but you can. Find things you like about yourself. This should be easy and fun and will make you think about what makes you so great. Minimize your insecurities. Everyone is insecure about something, but if you find yourself insecure about absolutely everything about yourself, you're probably filling yourself with anxiety for no reason. Make a list of all the things that make you insecure and examine which ones are just plain silly. Confidence is the key to happiness, but if you're so confident that you don't recognize where there's room for improvement, you won't be seeing your real self and may be an unpleasant person to be around. Accept constructive criticism. If someone is rude or just plain cruel about your not-so-great qualities, you don't have to listen. But if your friend, parent, or even your coworker suggests that you need to work on a certain aspect of yourself, such as your listening skills or your attention to detail, listen with an open mind. Make a list of things you want to work on. Pick a few flaws you want to address and make a game plan for execution. For example, if you feel like you're being selfish, take the time to give back to your community. If you think you're a bit narcissistic, make a concerted effort to spend less time talking about yourself next time you hang out with a friend. Forgive yourself. Let's face it we've all done something we're less than proud of. Maybe you said something really cruel to a friend, cheated on your boyfriend or girlfriend, or made a major mistake at work. Whatever you did, you should recognize that it was wrong and understand why you did it, but after that, it's time to let it go. If you're so hung up on your past mistakes, you won't be able to focus on the future. Never forget how lucky you are to be you. If you spend so much time obsessing about your flaws and things you want to change, you'll never be fully happy just being yourself. Be generous. Volunteer in your community, donate canned goods or clothing, and do anything you can to help those who are less fortunate. You can also be a generous friend, son/daughter, sibling, or spouse by doing nice things for the important people in your life. Appreciate your health. If you're a health person who doesn't have trouble walking, eating, or sleeping, be grateful! There are many people whose lives revolve around their poor health, and if you're not one of them, don't forget how lucky you are.  Laughter is a common remedy for all ailments, and you should always leave some room for laughter in your daily life. No matter how dire your life may seem at a given moment, never forget to take a break to laugh. Not only will you feel better, but you'll live longer. Be around people who love to laugh. Laughter is contagious! 

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