What About Me?

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I am the secind of four girls. I thinl this alone is a circus. I do not think my parents could really handle four kids, financially or emotionally. 

There was never enough time for the four of us. Occasionally there was enough individual time. But, these were few and far between times. I often found it difficult to get a moment of alone time.

Perhaps I am being a little selfish in not wanting to share my bedroom with anyone. I just had to share growing up. We had these different personalities. It was almost that all of us came from different worlds.

I like being alone. I would not say that I lead such a sheltered life. I would say that I am an introvert. I might not have always been an introvert but things happened in my life that caused me to clam up. I am no longer as trusting as I used to be.

That is just who I am. The life I have lived has caused me to clam up and be private but public at the same time.

About the author


Just going through the motions of this crazy life.

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