What advantages and disadvantages brings spontaneous sex

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You recently had some dreams with sexual connotations? Are you in a relationship and you miss the nights full of passion that had them to begin with? Or you just divorced and you need to regain your self-esteem? There are many questions that spontaneous sex - with benefits and disadvantages - may be the answer. For more details coming from a man who knows what he's talking, I asked Constantin Cornea, psychotherapist, I explain whether or not it better (we) encourage the initiative of sex spontaneously.

From the point of view of the psychologist, sexuality and libido is the pull of the most intimate and difficult to control man. For this reason unfulfilled sexuality leads to a form of anxiety quite difficult to accept and express in psychotherapy.

Expressing anguish dreams translates all manner of erotic, colorful, full of symbols. Or sublimation such as art: photography, painting, music or dance. Generally libido contains the greatest amount of energy that man can use equally constructive or destructive.

Spontaneous sex is the most vivid sexual energy discharge and charging energy functional. It may appear alongside or outside, can become a constant to improve the lives of the couple or to bring external ingredient that restores self-esteem. But to talk about both, torque and off in sequence.

Spontaneous sex couples

It can be a psychologist or work method to go from one partner fantasies. Venue, advantages and disadvantages.

Location: anywhere according to each couple individually. At home, in the kitchen or in the bedroom, in the car, in the elevator, or office block in a fitting room or in a mall restroom. We can talk about normal sex, oral or other form on which both parties agreed.

Advantages: Plays self-esteem, making them feel like partners. Adrenaline public places can bring the extra uninhibited pleasure. Spontaneous sex couples can play brightness which can lead to multiple benefits in other areas: communication, hobbies or why not a better knowledge of intimate personal needs.

Disadvantages: the possibility of being caught in the act, or high anxiety of one partner who feels pressured to do things too mad to consider how to build.

Spontaneous sex outside the couple

Occurs after a breakup as an adventure or a new relationship. If married appears that a form of discharge of frustration, attempted unauthorized things together or simply to see how it is to have sex with another person.

Venues may be the same, shown above, or more.

Advantages: self-esteem play when separations or rediscovering sexuality where the couple in this chapter tend to lose a lot of shine. Also in the case of married persons can offer the chance of a new relationship, when completing mistress or couple if it is decided that the new partner is better than the old one.

Disadvantages: if the married person is caught, can acquire or partner disapproval of society and can lead to collapse of the couple. For single people, casual sex with multiple partners too can limit the possibility of a stable relationship or you can do more or less desirable in society.

Conclusion psychologist:

Spontaneous sex has advantages and disadvantages, it is important to be fully assumed by the person or couple to enjoy only the good parts.

Unrequited sexual desire leads to anxiety and can cause a person to do things beneath them, it is recommended for single persons and married to the psychotherapy. This will certainly help to find balance in your personal life without exposing risks.

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