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I have changed my mind so many times in my life, that sometimes I find it hard to recall all the wandering and all the attempts to become "someone else". Do not get me wrong, I am not THAT bad, just regular actually.The problem is that I still don't know what I want to become when I grow old.

Now, seriously, I am old enough to be considered mature, but I don't feel a belong to this part of a person's life. I have a job, it is not the one I was dreaming of, and sometimes I feel like I want to kill my boss, but it's not a bad job. Is it the one I was dreaming of? No, of course it's not, otherwise I would not be complaining, but honestly, did I do everything in my power to achieve my teenage's goals? Mmmmm, not quite. 

I was too busy living my life to seriously merge into a subject, I was not really focused (not that I am that focused now...) on my objective. I was a regular girl, with good marks at the University, but who was not ready to sacrifice a part of the life to get something more. Moreover, as I said, I have changed my mind so many times that I barely can recall what was my first idea of a job!

Now? Well, now I am a mother, and this changes a lot!, and a wife, which is also important; my spare time has shrunk so much that certain days it's even hard to have privacy in the toilet. And still, I think I should do something else with my life, something that could be useful and favorable to my family too. Like, yes, like becoming rich, for instance!

Ok, I am joking now, but yet the feeling is right this. If I had been more competitive, more focused, more concentrated, I would have had a better life for me and my beloved ones, would I? You see, questions all the time.

Why am I here then? No idea, I just want to write, and feel a bit better.  photo credit: freepik.com

About the author


I am a reader, first of all; I read everything that is printed in Italia, English or Spanish, be it a book or just the drug facts leaflet. And then I write everything that comes to my mind.Though I try to be quite polite on the web...

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