What does TGIF really means?

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TGIF is the most popular phrase we can come over whenever it's Friday. Maybe for all the days in a week, Friday is everyone's favorite. Friday has a lot of meanings behind it. Many reasons could be the end of school week, end of work, a pay day and a night party on a club or a bar after the day's work. Because of the great advantages of Friday, people called it "Thanks God It's Friday" when in fact IT SHOULD BE NOT. Friday is when most of the people unwind, they drink, smoke, go clubbing and do shopping galore at the malls. People go crazy about being materialistic. If we keep saying it that way, we may insult God for all the earthly things we do on Friday. Well, I certainly agree to what a priest say that TGIF should be called, "THANK GOODNESS IT'S FRIDAY and not "Thank God It's Friday". At least if we do earthly things we aren't putting God's name in so much vain.

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I simply love hanging out over the internet discovering new stuff and meeting new friends!

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