What Happens After Submitting a Blog?

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So what happens after you submit a blog for review?

Ten gems are required in order for the Bitlanders team to review your blog. And if you have not saved or purchased any gem at all, I am sorry but you are not eligible to get your blog be reviewed at all.

But what happens after you submit your blog? Here are the things I have observed so far.

-          First of course, the ten gems will be deducted from your gem balance icon on the top right hand side of your page.

-          Then, you’ll notice that submit for review button as well on that specific blog is also unavailable at this moment. You are then sure that at this time, the person assigned for that blog to be reviewed has received your request however, it may take more time for her to review your blog as per the noted provided, as soon as this person permits her. 

-          Wait for a few days and additional buzz points will be added to your blog once the reviewer would give his or her review feedbacks.

Have you already submitted your blog for review?

About the author


♥ saved by grace ♥

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