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Aikido is a defensive and non-violent martial arts developed in the early 1900's by MOREHEI UESHIBA in japan.

it is a method of hand to hand encounter, depending on the opponent's momentum in order to create holds to apply throwing and pinning techniques, with  great number of variations.

Throwing techniques are very common in aikido. So, it is necessary to learn the art of UKEMI or proper falling to prevent injury when thrown. 

This gentle art is practice mainly in forms which are prearranged, rehearsed series of attack and defense in which the students alternate the roles of NAGE, the person who is assaulted and UKE, the assailant who is thrown. 

There are also stick fighting forms (kumi-jo) and sword fighting forms (kumitachi) in the art of aikido.


The uniform worn in aikido practice is the so-called HAKAMA consisting of a kimono style jacket made of heavy cloth, worn with a pleated ankle length garment that is either like skirt or split like trousers.

The method of training and mastery of aikido needs a series of skills to be learned such as... theory of center line CHUSIN RYOKU, method of circular movement MARUI, control and extension of the "KI" power, method of proper breathing KOKYU RYOKU and coordination of the whole body movement SHUCHU RYOKU. Those skills guide the students steadily from the early stages of training (OYO WAZA) to more advanced levels (TAKEMUSU AIKI). Literally, AIKIDO is a combination of three Japanese words. AI-harmony, KI-energy and DO-the way.




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