What is Bitcoin?

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What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a form of payment systems in the virtual world technology using peer-to-peer. Bitcoin itself created by a person or even sekompok people who used the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. So Bitcoin can be compared to cash in cyberspace because at the moment is between you as the sender to the recipient without intermediaries and vice versa.

How To Get Started?

To start using Bitcoin in cyberspace, then first of all you need to get Wallet (right in Indonesian can diibarakan like wallets to save money in the virtual world). Well Wallet concerned can be grouped into several types:

Desktop Wallet
Desktop Wallet made using Bitcoin desktop application that can be downloaded and installed to your computer.
Mobile Wallet
Mobile Wallet is made using the installed applications to the Android OS-based smartphones. This means that any time you can always bring your wallet wherever you go and use the Mobile Wallet for payment transactions, purchases and sales by using the method scans the QR code or NFC (by clicking on the tap of your smartphone) to the latest smartphones in general have had NFC card.
web Wallet
Web Wallet Wallet also offers flexibiliti because you will be hosted in the Internet by the provider of the Web Wallet. But a shortage of this type of Wallet is in terms of security that require special attention.

The three types Wallet above will be discussed specifically to post my next post.

How to Get bitcoin

There are two ways to get bitcoin. The first is to buy bitcoin where this can be done through the online service providers that exist and the second is to do Bitcoin mining (mining bitcoin). This term is used for mining bitcoin of Bitcoin network system. So as well as gold in the real world, you can do terhadapat bitcoin mining there.


You do not immediately feel tempted to do bitcoin mining as did the bitcoin miner. Because today, bitcoin mining is increasingly difficult. It is caused by the algorithm is in addition to that it has been implemented by the creator of Bitcoin plus more days, more and more bitcoin miner who compete for bitcoin mining.

So bitcoin mining requires a small investment of money that if you want to succeed by using a special form of computer hardware with processing power that fast.

Stay tuned for my next post also will give a special discussion on how bitcoin mining.
