What is Love?

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Some people cannot answer this question. I can answer it, love is afeeling. Love is an e,otion. 

There are so many, not just in Hollywood but around the world that say they love you. However, what it boils down to, is these are simply words.


These words mean nothing to me. As I have already stated these are just words. These words can be said to gain anything; sex, money, etc.

These are the wprst words in the English language. Next to I am your friend, anyway.

Some think I am materialistic. This might be. I take pride in induldging a  little when I can. However, if a maan does love me and only sleeps in a tin can, then I would be there by his side. 

A heart will lead you to love. A heart will know if the other is lying with those words of love. A heart cannot be fooled by words of love. My heart must be treated delicately.

About the author


Just going through the motions of this crazy life.

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