What's next?

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Life has many questions, one of the biggest questions in life is "what's next?"

This is an age old question. What's after elementary school, what's after middle school, what's after high school, what's after college, what's next? But that's the thing nobody knows what's next.... or do they? You might have heard the phrase "everything happens for reason." But what people don't realize is this saying is very vague. It doesn't say if it's for a good or bad reason. Getting into college, breaking up with a girlfriend, losing a family member, or getting the job. Do all these things have a certain purpose in our life, are they part of a pre-made timeline? Take this for example your talking about this one song and all of a sudden that song starts to play on iTunes or on the radio.. it's very weird and Erie for some. Most people just shrugged it off and think "that's cool" but was that supposed to happen? Is it part of a timeline that knew you were going to talk/think about that song so the timeline made that song play. Or even if you just meet somebody and they know somebody that can give you a lifelong job opportunity. You take this opportunity and live a happy life. But it's only because you bumped into this one guy at Starbucks. Was that supposed to happen? Where you supposed to meet this guy that knows another guy? Maybe its just a stroke of luck, or maybe everything is predetermined. Sure, you can go on about the horrible things that has happened in this world. But for every negative action that happens there is a positive reaction. The positive reaction tries to not make it happen again. So think what you want, and believe what you will.. this is just some food for thought.


By: Josh Presuto

About the author


My name is Josh Presuto and have a burning passion for film. PostProduction is my craft I am certified in Final Cut, Adobe After Effects and, Premier. I am also starting to learn Avid. I've been making and editing my own videos since I was ten and will continue to…

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